FeatherEdge a featured Start-Up in German Wind Energy Association Industry Report
The German Wind Energy Association (BWE) just released their 2025 Industry Report, and Biome's FeatherEdge® serration technology is a featured Start-Up. This is a strong market opportunity for FeatherEdge as it coincides with the recent German wind auction announcement of 12 GW of permitted onshore wind - more than the rest of Europe combined.
Here's why the timing lines up for our innovative turbine blade add-on:
If you own a windpark that operates in noise modes during the day or night, you understand the financial implication of noise. FeatherEdge has industry proven, field-validated noise reductions that go far beyond what a turbine manufacturer can deliver – with reductions of up to 6 – 8 dB(A) above and beyond a standard OEM serration at a receptor.
In addition to noise, the technology also improves the aerodynamics of the rotor, enabling additional performance uplift. It can be applied to any turbine type and rotor size and is customized for each application with installation in as little as 3 days. From new development, to operation and repowering, FeatherEdge is a disruptive technology that will alter the potential of what’s possible for your wind portfolio.
Whether you are a larger corporate power producer, or a community-owned wind project, get in touch to discover the technical and financial impact of innovation inspired by nature.